On taking 70-236 (MSTS: Exchange 2007, Configuring)

 21 Nov 2007 03:27:53 am

Last week I took my first of the new line of MSFT certification exams, the MSTS: Exchange 2007, Configuring exam. In support of those who plan on taking it in the near future I figured I would offer some suggestions and strategies while you study.

First some quick background. I’ve been installing/supporting Exchange since 5.5 and have my MCSE/MCSA Messaging specializations on 2003 (so I am no stranger to Exchange or the Exchange exams).

For study purposes I picked up Sybex’s recently released book on this exam (link); I used this book rather than any others primarily since Microsoft Press’s book is on backorder through most vendors and I did not locate it on any store shelves (or anything else for that matter). I only gave myself 4 days to study for this exam so I went with whatever I could get my hands on. I started with Sybex’s assessment and bonus test #1; which I respectively got 80% and 76% on.

The exam focuses primarily on installing and configuring Exchange 2007 (as opposed to design, troubleshooting, etc.). I passed it on my first try with a score in the 790’s; not a great score but I’m happy considering how little time I gave myself to prepare for the exam.

What you must know to pass this exam:
1. Know some basics about supporting Server 2003 and Active Directory.
2. Know the PowerShell (Monad) commands for everything in Exchange 2007, the exam asked as many questions regarding performing actions in PowerShell as it did in the Exchange Management Console.
3. Know the setup switches.
4. Understand the functions of the various Exchange roles and how they relate to each other.

If you plan on taking it I highly recommend you already have some experience installing Exchange 2007, you’ve installed using several scenarios in a lab environment, and you use one of the available study guides out there.

Good luck,
Erik Szewczyk
MCSE: Messaging 2003; MCTS: Exchange 2007, Configuring; Windows Server MVP; CCNA

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